Friday, May 22, 2009

Year Of The Bible

Rep. Paul Broun introduced a bill to the House of Representatives in order to declare 2010 as the "Year of the Bible. This has in fact been done in the past during the 'rein' of Ronald Reagan. Reagan announced this same law (Public Law 97-280) on 2-3-1983 and the reasons are quite similar. (SOURCE: Basically, it would allow for a law declaring that 2010 is to be known as the year of the bible, in order to "...commemorate those acts of patriotism that have unified our country..."

So, while my personal opinion being that I believe this good book is great, this view is not shared by everyone in America. Although no law can be made with unanimous approval of the people, there are times that the people, even if they disagree as to what is being pushed through as law, and even if it's a law they themselves personally want, should say "wait a minute." I don't believe that this is so much as a tribute to patriotism, as it is a way for the government to take something that has been done in the past, and use it as a silhouette of things wanting to be achieved in the future.
Although the previous passing of this law sets precedence, a renewed sense of this bill is going to cause problems. We are already seeing a rise in Capitol Hill control. Unfortunately, it seems people are becoming more and more complacent with the shortcuts, fast making laws, and etc, etc... I hope not.
Also, even though the Christian (Prodestant/Catholic) community (don't quote me on this stat) make up the majority of the religious sect in America, think about if you were pagan, Islam, Buddhist, Atheist, how would you feel about this law. Again, we can't please everyone, but when the GOVERNMENT puts a foot into religious beliefs, I have to say there is a problem. Our law-makers are put into a position of power to make laws that will benefit and further the progress of the USA, not direct it toward, or favor, ANY sect there within. This is one area the government needs to stay out of. Separation of church and state, right? (
Last point: At this time in our economy, and all of the other things taking place up on 'the Hill', is this something that really needs to be ushered around up there? Why isn't concentration being used on solving problems, rather than creating what will be another one?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Truth about Dogs...& Cars.....

You know how you can be driving down the road, and some stupid dog decides to kamikaze your automobile (generally, after it's brand new, detailed, new paint, etc) and you swerve or say "Well, it's his fault if I run him over."? I always swerved, telling the dog off, and going about my business. I have 2 dogs that have decided to be just like this, so we have spent the better part of 2-3 years trying to train them to refrain from doing this. Is it working? NO NO NOOOOOOO!!!!
A couple of weeks ago, Willow (above) decided that our landlord's car was ripe for the picking, and ran after him. I yelled at her to come back, her obedient instinct failed, and..........she was hit. She seemed fine at first, but at a closer look she had that gravel dust smacked on her face, and cuts all over her legs. I immediately started shaking (right along with her, I might add) and panicking. We rushed her to the vet, whom she abhors, and he gave her some cortizone, other shots, and a couple of staples. No internal bleeding or head trauma. Thank God!!! To my amazement, she no longer runs after vehicles with the determination she used to, and is listening when she starts chase after them. To that end, the other dog, Buffy, who saw the whole thing, doesn't go anywhere. Blessing in disguise???

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Okay. So, for those of you who agree that Joss Whedon is the greatest creative mind ever to hit TV, check this out. I just came across it after reading about his brother Jed in an article, and of course, it is AMazInG !!! (BTW his brothers caught that creative gene too, it seems) Anyway, if you have 42 minutes and 25 seconds of your life to spare, check out the link.

From the guy that brought us Buffy:the Vampire Slayer - need I say more? (of course with only one follower at this time, I'm not sure how many people will see this...)

id-i-ot [id-ee-uh t] an utterly foolish or senseless person

Yes. That would be me. Okay, so mother graduated and I unfortunately couldn't make it, but was able to speak with her on Saturday evening. Then on Sunday, May 10th, I was again on the phone wishing her the best Mother's Day. So, I go into the shop today and start completing my tasks, pull up my sister's blog and watch that adorable video of her and Emerson wishing mom congrats and Happy mom's day. Then it hit me, as it did last year, at this same time, my sister is a MOM. Duh. I remembered back, thinking I did all of this last year??? On one hand I know she's a mother, and an awesome one at that, on the other, it slips my incredibly teflon-like mind that this day is also about her now. SO I AM SORRY MY DEAR SISTER. I LOVE YOU & HAPPY be-lated MOTHER'S DAY. You are ever-so deserving. LOVE YOU !!