Friday, June 12, 2009

Well, I'll Be.....

It is June 12, 2009.
This Day in History?

Clinton B Barefoot to wed Blackwell native Amanda J Locke.
you rotten kids !!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Death Comes As A River

Ever been on a canoe trip? I rode in a canoe on a very soft river/lake thing when I was young with my Grandpa and Mom. I took my first canoe float trip in 2006 and had a blast. Well, yesterday morning we decided to take a 12 mile float down Elk River (at right). Very relaxing trip, at least, the first 4 miles. I had until then been looking at fish, grabbed a box turtle, somehow managed to catch a baby water turtle, and they were running around the bottom of the canoe. We had a backpack with towels and first aid kit, etc, an ice chest with lunch and soda, and 2 life vests. Okay, so we're going along just fine, fairly cloudy, not too hot (so not thinking we're gonna swim) and the river decides to speed up.

No thing, been through fast currents before. Paddle, Paddle. Well, the funny thing about rivers, is that you can see where the current will take you. We had a choice - left, a small (but tight) bend with a big fallen tree, or right with many trees and branches and no way to make through. We chose left. We paddled hard. We were swung into the tree root system. I laughed REALLY hard.....and abruptly stopped. The canoe was tipping over. We tried to correct it, but the current was able to shove enough water into the canoe, that it dumped us back over. I hit the water panicking, and felt the current pull me beneath the water. (and shove me against the other trees laying on the other side) I used the canoe (which was pinned to the tree) to pull myself back up, and broke the surface, swallowing about a gallon of water, and unable to get my bearings. Josh pulled me up a little more, and I calmed a little, able to brace myself against the canoe, and go from there. The ice chest was floating, the back pack had been grabbed, and oars were pinned against the tree. One life vest floated away. (BTW my turtles were gone.) So, first thing get to shore, about 10 feet away. Josh headed with the backpack and I swung the ice chest toward shore, and then swam to shore myself. Since we had hit the tree, about 2 minutes had passed. Adrenaline overdose. We had to calm down because our canoe was pinned and underwater, except for about 2 inches of one of the sides. After about 5 minutes we headed back into the water. Josh held my arm, while I reached for the canoe and he tried to pull, as I pulled to get the boat out of the current. NO LUCK. The cell phone was water logged and we were 8 miles from the "take-out" spot. Oh, the river is not busy AT ALL during the early week, so no one was coming by. Well, I'm not very patient as you know, and do not like obstacles like this, so I headed back in. I circled to where the current was not strong enough to pull me back, and I could stand firm on the rocky bottom. I lifted the canoe out of the water (yeah, that's right, me. 5' 5" 118 lbs me) and semi -circled out of the current and let go. The current swept it down to a low spot and we were able to recover. Food was fine, but everthing else....SOAKED. We regained composure and headed back down the river. About a quarter of a mile, we found the life vest, and just a bit further, the box turtle. I was able to get a net at a river-side shop and caught 2 extremely small water turtles. All-in-all it was a great day, but after that we took every other curve with extreme caution, and even carried the canoe through a couple spots~

Friday, May 22, 2009

Year Of The Bible

Rep. Paul Broun introduced a bill to the House of Representatives in order to declare 2010 as the "Year of the Bible. This has in fact been done in the past during the 'rein' of Ronald Reagan. Reagan announced this same law (Public Law 97-280) on 2-3-1983 and the reasons are quite similar. (SOURCE: Basically, it would allow for a law declaring that 2010 is to be known as the year of the bible, in order to "...commemorate those acts of patriotism that have unified our country..."

So, while my personal opinion being that I believe this good book is great, this view is not shared by everyone in America. Although no law can be made with unanimous approval of the people, there are times that the people, even if they disagree as to what is being pushed through as law, and even if it's a law they themselves personally want, should say "wait a minute." I don't believe that this is so much as a tribute to patriotism, as it is a way for the government to take something that has been done in the past, and use it as a silhouette of things wanting to be achieved in the future.
Although the previous passing of this law sets precedence, a renewed sense of this bill is going to cause problems. We are already seeing a rise in Capitol Hill control. Unfortunately, it seems people are becoming more and more complacent with the shortcuts, fast making laws, and etc, etc... I hope not.
Also, even though the Christian (Prodestant/Catholic) community (don't quote me on this stat) make up the majority of the religious sect in America, think about if you were pagan, Islam, Buddhist, Atheist, how would you feel about this law. Again, we can't please everyone, but when the GOVERNMENT puts a foot into religious beliefs, I have to say there is a problem. Our law-makers are put into a position of power to make laws that will benefit and further the progress of the USA, not direct it toward, or favor, ANY sect there within. This is one area the government needs to stay out of. Separation of church and state, right? (
Last point: At this time in our economy, and all of the other things taking place up on 'the Hill', is this something that really needs to be ushered around up there? Why isn't concentration being used on solving problems, rather than creating what will be another one?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Truth about Dogs...& Cars.....

You know how you can be driving down the road, and some stupid dog decides to kamikaze your automobile (generally, after it's brand new, detailed, new paint, etc) and you swerve or say "Well, it's his fault if I run him over."? I always swerved, telling the dog off, and going about my business. I have 2 dogs that have decided to be just like this, so we have spent the better part of 2-3 years trying to train them to refrain from doing this. Is it working? NO NO NOOOOOOO!!!!
A couple of weeks ago, Willow (above) decided that our landlord's car was ripe for the picking, and ran after him. I yelled at her to come back, her obedient instinct failed, and..........she was hit. She seemed fine at first, but at a closer look she had that gravel dust smacked on her face, and cuts all over her legs. I immediately started shaking (right along with her, I might add) and panicking. We rushed her to the vet, whom she abhors, and he gave her some cortizone, other shots, and a couple of staples. No internal bleeding or head trauma. Thank God!!! To my amazement, she no longer runs after vehicles with the determination she used to, and is listening when she starts chase after them. To that end, the other dog, Buffy, who saw the whole thing, doesn't go anywhere. Blessing in disguise???

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Okay. So, for those of you who agree that Joss Whedon is the greatest creative mind ever to hit TV, check this out. I just came across it after reading about his brother Jed in an article, and of course, it is AMazInG !!! (BTW his brothers caught that creative gene too, it seems) Anyway, if you have 42 minutes and 25 seconds of your life to spare, check out the link.

From the guy that brought us Buffy:the Vampire Slayer - need I say more? (of course with only one follower at this time, I'm not sure how many people will see this...)

id-i-ot [id-ee-uh t] an utterly foolish or senseless person

Yes. That would be me. Okay, so mother graduated and I unfortunately couldn't make it, but was able to speak with her on Saturday evening. Then on Sunday, May 10th, I was again on the phone wishing her the best Mother's Day. So, I go into the shop today and start completing my tasks, pull up my sister's blog and watch that adorable video of her and Emerson wishing mom congrats and Happy mom's day. Then it hit me, as it did last year, at this same time, my sister is a MOM. Duh. I remembered back, thinking I did all of this last year??? On one hand I know she's a mother, and an awesome one at that, on the other, it slips my incredibly teflon-like mind that this day is also about her now. SO I AM SORRY MY DEAR SISTER. I LOVE YOU & HAPPY be-lated MOTHER'S DAY. You are ever-so deserving. LOVE YOU !!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Time For Tea

"Today is the day hundreds of thousands of Americans have been waiting for — the Tax Day Tea Parties. Although it's very hard to forecast just how many will participate, the mere fact that around 2,000 Tax Day Tea Party events have been planned for today means that it would only take an average of 200 at each gathering to yield 400,000 participants. Of course, many of these tea parties will have many thousands at the least. Fox News will have live TV broadcasts from four cities (San Antonio, Sacramento, Atlanta, and Washington, D.C.) during the day featuring Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and other Fox News personalities."

I just wanted to take a second to share a few things. First, CRAZY... I used to work for a small business that is not incorporated, and taxes are horrendous every year. I am certified to do taxes, and as I looked through the numbers I'm filing, I couldn't believe it. For one, (any yes there most certainly is a great IRS answer for why it's this why, but...) you figure Self-employment tax, and then divide the tax by 2, and subtract from you Adjusted Gross Income. Then, later you add the entire amount back in. Kinda like you have to wear your seatbelt in most states, but it's okay to ride in the back of a pickup on the highway. Anyways, I guess I'm just hoping for a really great outcome from today. It seems like the American people are finally uniting to accomplish some things, and are no longer waiting for 'those that pay themselves' to do it. Guess I'll just wait and see.........

The Legacy She Left

I guess I feel 'in wanting', to post some things about my grandmother. My sister wrote a tribute to her a few days ago, and it really impacted me to do something for her myself. A lot of what I could say, my sister has already, and she was dead on. My grandmother was one of a kind. She had this spirit that was contagious. When I remember back on the times I was around her, I think of all the many things that she did with our family..her family. Once we went hiking (Colorado, maybe), and I was sick (I was about 4-5 years old) with strep or something, and she stayed by me the whole time. Later on, when we had moved, my brother and sister were home, and she sat down and played a game of molass with us. SHE WON, not to the amusement of my sis (or me). She was an excellent cook. We always had fun when we were all together, back then when things were so much simpler to me. Holidays were a blessing on my tummy. I didn't spend a lot of time with her in the kitchen, but from what I can recall, she cooked with such ease. No matter what she was doing, she always kept peace on her...with her, and if affected those around her. I remember the last year or two before she passed, things were different. Other roads had begun to weave themselves into different areas of our family. I was no exception. I allowed my own rebellious and 'free range spirit' to keep me from spending the time I needed to, with both my grandparents. This I do regret. The Christmas of 2007 was extremely strange. I went to the stores to shop, and for the first time I realized they wouldn't need presents anymore. About this time, (between October and Christmas), my mother was able to return a collage of family pictures centered around my grandparents, that I had given them for Christmas the year before. I hold on to this especially to look back on the memories me and the family were able to make over the years. When Easter comes up each year since then, I have become, what's the word....closed off. After reading what my sister had written, I started thinking that if my grandmother was meant to leave us, Easter was the perfect day. Not only because of the symbolism of Easter itself, but one of my greatest memories happened that day. I was under the age of 12, probably 8 or 9. We and the extended family, joined my grandparents at there Kansas church that year. Several families in the congregation were asked to stand, ours as well. When we stood, the entire church gasped. We had filled 3-4 rows of pews. Later on, toward the end of the service, my younger cousin and I, joined her in the choir to sing the "Hallelujah Chorus". I can still remember the joy I had singing with my grandmother, and I think she really enjoyed it too.
Unfortunately, grandma was unable to meet little Emerson, but when I saw (and read) my sister's post, I realize that my grandmother lives on in the lives of those she left behind. Sis, she sure did leave a legacy, didn't she? I may have my regrets, but I also have my memories, and these I will keep for the rest of my life. I love you, Grandma. Thank you, for ALL you did for me growing up, I hope I made you proud.
(For my grandmother, mother, sister, and niece - May we all remember...)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Say Yes To Drugs?

WHAT !!!! you say....yes??
A long time ago, I began hearing 'Say No To Drugs', 'D.A.R.E. To Say No', etc... Growing up, most of us hear it again and again. No drinking, no drugs, no sex, blah, blah, blah. To be perfectly honest, when I was a kid, I believed every word, as well as in my ability to say "NO". I was raised to believe in certain things, and when it came to these 'worldly issues', it was ALWAYS a hands-down answer. Me, my brother, my sister, we all knew. So then, why was I so quick to say YES !!!! Part of it was because I felt so held back by the unwavering ideals of my parents, and part of it was because I wondered 'what if?'. A year before I graduated I stated smoking cigarettes. I was drinking long before I graduated. Then, on my own, depressed and in college, I decided that running downhill was as good a way to crash as any. Marijuana, Ecstasy, Cocaine, Mushrooms, lots of alcohol, pills I didn't recognize or ask about. This went on for about 6 months until one day my sister showed up, and reminded me of some things, and so it ended. Looking back on those days, and remembering the feelings I had on or off the different drugs, and what was going through my head, I'm constantly asking myself, "Why?". MY ANSWER: 1. I needed to learn that adding things to your life when your are depressed, doesn't help anyone. 2. What it is like to be a using addict, and what they feel, and why they act the way they do. 3. I now have an incredible understading of how to approach someone who is struggling with this, and reach out with compassion and empathy, to do what I can to help them along. 4. I answered a lot of questions about myself during that 6 months. END RESULT: I wouldn't go back. I don't believe that I would be as complete as I am today without those experiences. I don't regret that time of my life. I do, however, regret the long-term consequences, but I have finally come to accept that they come along with the good I've brought out of it. I wouldn't advise anyone to become an addict or start using drugs, but if there are areas in your past that seem so very dark, you have the ability to say that you lived it, and lived through it; what an amazing gift it is to relate to someone else that has been through the same, and needs your help to pencil in some color to their dark silhouette.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Abu's Cousin

This is Chloe. She is a capuchin monkey. I was given the opportunity to interact with her. I had the time of my life. She is about a year old, and believe it or not, friendlier than a lot of people you've met. Capuchins live to be 25-40 years old, and are more like companions, than pets. They are able to learn many things: picking up after you, working puzzles, recognizing voice commands, etc. Someday I hope to have one (or two) of my very own !!!